SAILING讲坛第五期【联邦学习的安全技术与效率】将于2023年6月28日下午3点30分在哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)T5-204举办(同步线上腾讯会议号:987-742-620)。本期将有特邀嘉宾粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院隐私安全计算研究员宗瑞博士和Queen Mary University of London助理教授Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem博士给我们做精彩报告。

宗瑞博士,现为粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院隐私安全计算研究员,CTO Labs 翼方健数工作室算法负责人,担任广东省新基建专业委员会专家。曾在清华大学高等研究院从事博士后研究工作。研究方向包括全同态密码技术、哈希函数及对称密码算法的安全性分析、商用密码算法应用研究、密码算法快速实现等。论文发表于 FSE、中国科学、DCC等密码学会议和期刊中,申请发明专利20余项。
Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK and Assiut University, Egypt and leads SAYED Systems Group ( He held the positions of Research Scientist at KAUST, Saudi Arabia, and Senior Researcher with Huawei's Future Networks Lab (FNTL), Hong Kong. He is an investigator on several national and international research projects totalling more than USD 650K in funding. He received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong in 2017. He was awarded the prestigious Hong Kong PhD. Fellowship from the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2013 to pursue his PhD at HKUST and a Competitive Research Grant at KAUST in 2021. He has published numerous papers in top venues and journals in the areas of distributed systems, computer networking, and machine learning. His current research interests are in the areas of optimizing systems supporting distributed machine learning, federated learning, and cloud/data-center networking with an emphasis on performance, practicality, and scalability.