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发布时间:2014-01-08 18:01 浏览:[]
  1月5日下午4:00,计算机科学与技术学院蒋琳老师邀请澳大利亚卧龙岗大学的Dr. Man Ho Au在A310为我院师生做了一场主题为“Dual System Encryption”的学术报告。Dr. Au首先结合基于身份加密(IBE)介绍了什么是密码学中的可证明安全,就可证明安全中存在的自适应问题进行了深入分析,介绍了三种已有的证明方法;然后,详细介绍了“Dual System Encryption”这种证明方法,并用该方法证明一个具体的基于身份加密算法;最后,Dr. Au对“Dual System Encryption”在密码学证明中的应用进行了展望。
  讲座结束后,在场的师生进行了热烈的讨论,Dr. Au对师生们提出的问题进行了详细的解答,使在座师生受益匪浅。
Dr. Man Ho Au obtained his bachelor (2003) and master degree (2005) in the Department of Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD degree from the University of Wollongong in July 2009. Currently, he is a lecturer of School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, UOW. He works in the area of information security. In particular, his research interests include applying public-key cryptographic techniques to systems with security and privacy concerns. He has published over 60 referred journal and conference papers, including 3 papers in the top-ranked ACM CCS conference and over a dozen SCI-indexed journals. His research attracts over 1100 citations and his current H-index is 19.
  Dr Au is also active in professional services. He is a program committee co-chair of NSS 2014, publication Chair of ACISP 2012 and 2014 and has served as a program committee member for over a dozen international conferences. He is also a guest editor of a special issue of Future Generation Computer Systems.